Code of Practice

Code of Practice

The Voluntary Register of Driver CPC Trainers (VRT), DVSA, JAUPT and the transport industry place great emphasis on professional standards and business ethics.

This industry code of practice is a framework within which all VRTrainers should operate.

  1. Conduct

VRTrainers and Approved Centre act professional, comply with the law, keep delegates safe and treat them with respect.

The trainer agrees to:

  • at all times comply with legislative requirements including:
    • the protection of personal freedoms, the prevention of discrimination based on age, disability, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation.
    • not using mobile devices like phones when driving or training. 
    • demonstrating a high standard of driving and instructional ability upholding safety standards including showing consideration for all other road users particularly pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders.
    • consumer, workplace and data protection regulations, the handling, storing, use and dissemination of video or audio recordings made in or around their vehicle or training venue.
  • avoid inappropriate physical contact with delegates.
  • avoid the use of inappropriate language to delegates.
  • not initiate inappropriate discussions about their own personal relationships and take care to avoid becoming involved in a delegate’s personal affairs or discussions about a delegate’s personal relationships.
  • avoid circumstances and situations which are or could be perceived to be of an inappropriate nature.
  • respect delegate confidentiality whilst understanding the actions to take if a delegate reveals concerns about their private lives.
  • treat delegates with respect and consideration and support them to achieve the learning outcomes in the Driver CPC Syllabus
  • ensure that their knowledge and skills on all matters relating to the provision of Driver CPC training comply with current practice and legislative requirements
  • use social network sites responsibly and professionally:
    • ensuring that delegates personal information is not compromised.
    • ensuring when using social media for marketing purposes that what is written is compliant with privacy and data protection legislation pertaining to digital communications, the laws regarding spam, copyright and other online issues.
    • treating other users of social media including clients, colleagues and their views with respect.
    1. be careful not to defame the reputation of colleagues, DVSA, and JAUPT.
  • upload available trainer documents to the VRT secure database in a timely fashion.

2. Business dealings

VRTrainers and Approved Centres will account for monies paid to them.

The Approved Centre agrees to:

  • safeguard and account for any monies paid in advance by the client in respect of Driver CPC Training.
  • on or before the first training session make clients aware of both this code of practice and their terms of business which should include:
    • legal identity of the Approved Centre/Consortium with full postal address and telephone number at which the trainer or their representative can be contacted.
    • the current price and duration of the training session
    • the terms which apply to cancellation of training sessions.
    • the terms under which a refund of training fees may be made
    • the procedure for making a complaint.
  • check a delegates’ entitlement to attend a Driver CPC Training session.
  • endeavour to ensure a delegate doesn’t attend the same Driver CPC course within their 5-year cycle

3. Advertising

The Approved Centre will take care to advertise and promote their businesses in a clear and fair manner.

The Centre agrees that:

  • the advertising of Driver CPC training shall be clear, fair and not misleading.
  • any claims made in advertising shall be capable of verification and comply with current CAP Advertising Codes.

4. Conciliation

VRTrainers will deal promptly with any complaints received and aim for speedy resolution of any grievances.

The VRTrainer agrees that:

  • complaints by delegates should be made in the first instance to the Approved Centre following the training provider’s complaints procedure.
  • if, having completed the procedure, the delegate has been unable to reach an agreement or settle a dispute, further guidance may be sought.
    • if a client believes that their VRTrainer is not providing a satisfactory business service they can contact their local Citizens Advice Bureau for guidance.
    • if delegates are unhappy with their VRTrainer’s professional service, the delegate can contact the VRT Registrar by emailing
The nominated Approved Centre agrees that:

They will notify the VRT Registrar if:

a VRTrainer is no longer associated with the Approved Centre.

a VRTrainer’s performance or integrity becomes a concern.

They will upload available centre documents to the VRT secure database in a timely fashion.

Failure to maintain the standards set out in this Code of Practice may result in the trainer, or nominated approved centre, being removed from the VRT. The Registrar’s decision on this matter is final.